Autumn term 2024 - After a busy start to the autumn term as always, we have just a few... Read more

1-1 learning in a group setting

Our approach to tutoring ensures each child receives 1-1 support and attention from their tutor, combined with 5-15 minute periods of independent working. It gives the best of both worlds. And it works.

The right tutor for each child

We have a fantastic team of specialist teachers for every age and subject - from year 1 to A level; all of them are absolutely dedicated to supporting your child and building their confidence.

A positive, nurturing environment

Our Centre ethos is exceptionally positive and geared towards boosting students’ self-esteem and giving them the confidence to put up their hand in class. The result? Happy, motivated students!

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Hello Andrew. I just wanted to let you know Hannah found out she passed her maths exam. I would like to say a very big thank you to you as with your extra help and guidance and past papers to practice  on at home you made this  possible. I cannot thank you enough and even before we new Hannah had passed I have been recommending you to people. I will be in touch  with you half way through this year to book you for my son for next year. Thank  you again.
Joanne Annis
The good news is that Emma scored a Grade 4 today in her GCSE maths, so huge sighs of relief all round!! Thank you for all your patience and efforts with her over the years... I know she'd have struggled hugely if it wasn't for all the fantastic help that you've given!
Hi Andrew I just wanted to let you and Claire know that Isla passed her exam entry to Kimbolton with flying colours  - she was in the top twenty highest scorers for her English and the top third for Maths. She is thrilled! Thank you so much for your work with her over the last term. She feels that the extra tutoring she had with you was a massive help to her having such a successful result. Please pass on our thanks to Claire.  
Clare and Isla Millen
Dear Andrew Just wanted to drop you a line as soon as I could to let you know that we heard Eloise and Camille have got their places at Kimbolton this morning. If you could please thank Linda and Val for us for all of their help. And thank you at St Ives tutoring for helping us over the last five years, I think it must be now! It has been such an enjoyable experience for the girls, not just extra learning. They wouldn’t have achieved so much without your help and we are very pleased and grateful.  
Rachel Palmer
I thought I should email you to say what a truly transforming educational experience Ben had upon joining St Ives Tutoring Centre. Within 6 weeks he was a different boy - his reading, writing and maths all improving dramatically and what’s more he also enjoyed it. He has continued to go from strength to strength. We can’t sing St Ives Tutoring Centre’s praises strongly enough. Val was able to understand and motivate Ben, she was always able to chivvy and encourage him in order to get the best out of him.
Greg Andrell
I just wanted to let you know that my son George who struggled with English most of his school life has just received his GCSE results. He got an A in English literature and an A in English Language. I cannot tell you how surprised and ecstatic we are. Thank you so much. I am so sorry I cannot remember who his kind, patient, tough and inspiring tutor was, but all our thanks to her.
Just contacting you to confirm I would like Joely to continuing tutoring with Lizzie on a Thursday in September.  She seems to have made good progress with the support of tutoring and has gone from below target to now above target in her assessments. Please say thank you to Lizzie too for giving Joely a renewed inspired interest in Maths.
I thought I'd let you know that Georgia passed all of the GCSE's that she sat and she did very well in English, maths and science. She got a 6 for maths and English language, a 5 in English literature and a B in science. We're so happy for her and proud of how well she did. She is also very happy that she will not have to do any re-sits.
Thought we would let you know how Megan got on with her maths GCSE. She got a grade 6 which we were all delighted with! She is going to Sixth Form to study Humanities subjects. Many thanks for your tuition which helped her to obtain her grade.
Judith P
Just wanted to let you know that Dan got a B in his science so is very happy. Thanks again.
Sue P
I just wanted to thank you and your staff for all the help you gave Leah in the year she was being tutored by your centre. Leah was pleased to pass both English language and literature GCSE's this morning. Whilst Leah worked incredibly hard in the run up to the exams, her sessions with you proved invaluable so thank you once again.
Tina C
I can't believe Georgia has nearly finished her tutoring with you, the last 9 months have gone so quickly. I will of course let you know how she gets on. Thank you very much for your help and support, it has made a great difference to Georgia - as well as additional knowledge, she has gained confidence in herself which is also incredibly valuable.
Thank you for all the support you have given Zack over the last 2 years and of course we will let you know how he gets on in August. We feel the extra support has certainly given Zack a lot more confidence and has certainly improved his skills which is exactly what we set out to do. So thank you once again. I have recommended you to several friends and have told them of the huge benefits certainly worth investing in.
We very much appreciate everything you have done for Bryony over the past couple of years, it has made a tremendous difference to both her grades as well as her confidence and we are very thankful to you for this.
Just a quick email to let you know Sian passed her Maths Exam which she re-took in Nov. Thank you so much from us both for providing her with a crash course of 6 weeks tutoring - it was just the ticket. She was overjoyed with the result, tears of joy in fact. Please pass on our thanks to the lady tutor also.
Alison W
Aleta got a C for maths, B for English language, C for English lit. We are over the moon with the maths and English this is massive achievement for Aleta who has struggled her way through school since reception!
George recognises the fact that he would not have been able to attain these grades and had the chance to attempt his A-levels without the help of St Ives Tutoring Centre and yourself. We feel the investment we have made sending him to St Ives Tutoring Centre has paid big dividends; it must be at times like these when you feel very satisfied that your time and effort has made a big difference to a young person’s future. You can definitely count George as yet another success story for St Ives Tutoring Centre. I would like to thank you on behalf of Suzanne and myself for all the hard work you have put in over the years.
Ian Miller