Summer 2024

We send our very best wishes to all of our year 11 GCSE students who have worked so hard through the year preparing for their exams and now have the long wait until results day in August, we look forward… more

| Centre News

April/May 2024

Exam term again! Very best wishes to all of our exam students this year, year 6s with their SATs, some of the year 10s sitting their first GCSEs and all of our year 11 students doing their main block of… more

| Centre News

Spring 2024

Spring 2024 update – student spaces – we have a few primary tutoring spaces available on Tuesdays and Thursdays this term, perfect if your child needs a confidence boost in general or pre-SATs tests for year 6s, some help with… more

| Centre News

Autumn 2023

First of all, very well done to our all of our exam students from last year, it’s been great receiving all the messages over the summer and into the autumn term hearing about the successes that you’ve achieved in your… more

| Centre News

Summer term 2023

All the hard work is over now for our year 11 and 13 exam students, a long summer holiday lies ahead until the results days on Thursdays 17th (A levels) and 24th (GCSEs) August! As a result we now have… more

| Centre News

Spring 2023 – here come exams again!

Spring is always one of the busiest times of the tutoring calendar in the run up to the phonics assessment for KS1 students, SATs for years 6 and GCSE exams for year 11 students. Alongside this we continue to work… more

| Centre News

Autumn term 2022

Congratulations to our year 11 students on achieving some fantastic results in their GCSE exams, see our Google and reviews for a few of the success stories. The autumn term is looking very busy as always, we do have… more

| Centre News

Summer term 2022

Exam season! Very best wishes to all of our year 6s and year 11s as they sit their exams this term, exams they’ve worked towards, despite all the disruption to their education, for the last couple of years. As a… more

| Centre News

Spring term 2022

First of all best wishes to all our students and their families for 2022! The spring term this year is busier than ever, due partly to all the Covid related disruption to education over the last two years. As a… more

| Centre News