Following government Covid-19 guidance for schools we re-opened out tutoring Centre in St Ives on Monday 8th March. It is great to get back to working with our students at the Centre, Zoom has worked as a substitute but there’s only so long you can look at a screen all day! So if your son/daughter needs any additional support to help them catch up or build their confidence after the lockdown period or generally wants to improve their English, maths and/or science just give us a call or send us an email to find out more about how we can help them.
In terms of our Covid precautions, we have completed a risk assessment and put in place a plan to ensure all staff and students are as safe as possible. This includes: using hand gel on entry and exit; all desks/computers are sanitised between lessons; lesson start/end times are staggered; tutors and all secondary students will wear face coverings; perspex screens separate student desks; all desks are over 1 m apart and all communal areas and door handles are regularly sanitised.