Revision tip number 2….

Our second revision tip for students preparing for their SATs and GCSE exams……. Revision must be active, so how do you ‘actively revise’? Well, an example of how NOT to revise would be to simply sit and read a textbook… more

| Centre News

GCSE mock exam season – revision tips

With GCSE mock exams about to start students need to make the most of their revision time. Revision is all about quality. Lots of students think that reading a revision guide with their music or a TV on in the… more

| Centre News

Summer holiday lessons – August 2018

As usual we are offering summer holiday lessons during August this year, lessons will be 10.30-11.50 am Tuesday and Thursday mornings, starting Tuesday 7th August and finishing Thursday 30th August. Students can work on Maths, English or a mix of… more

| Centre News